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How it all started….

So we thought we’d get started on how we got here and where it all started. I had my first baby boy in 2018, a few months later he had an eczema flare up all on his back! We first of all went to the dr and he saw a paediatrician to check that he wasn’t allergic to anything, they did the prick test on him and thankfully it came back negative. But I think it made our situation abit more harder, we went through sooo many brands of creams and washes you wouldn’t believe.

After trying and trying many different things (washing powders also) nothing seemed to clear it, the dr also prescribed him with steroid creams which would clear it up for a few days but then the eczema would return again and you know how dangerous it can be to use steroid creams over and over again…

I ended up finding this brand child’s farm that helped his eczema and a cream from lush which worked amazingly, and switched to omo sensitive which seemed to help at the time….

Bel and I started to hear and see few things here and there about toxic ingredients in products, so as Bel does she gets on and does her research…and comes to me with all these words that I had no idea what they meant and telling me these ingredients can be toxic and they’re in the products we use.

We both read the book The Low Tox Life, which had some really helpful ideas and info in it, we slowly started on our journey to low tox, starting with candles and then when the boys bath products ran out I made the switch! Since then we’ve undergone many hours of research, started a business together and almost cleared out our home of toxic products 😅

It can be overwhelming and crazy with all the info out there, that’s why we suggest starting slow and one area at a time!

Thank you for reading,

Jade xx

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